City of Glasgow

Disappeared...or not?
Following illustrated short story is based on the true-life events of the steamship named the City of Glasgow (1850-54). The City of Glasgow disappeared without trace during a voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean in April 1854. Over 450 people vanished. The disappearance of the steamship has never been unravelled. There were a few disputed sightings of the City of Glasgow after her disappearance and the focus of this book is to investigate each of these occurrences.

Iron Shipbuilding Not Discussed...
Although the disappearance of the City of Glasgow was in the middle of the decade where members of the public openly questioned the workmanship of iron steamship building, I will not pursue the quality of workmanship matter in this book. There are some telltale signs that the City of Glasgow had some design problems, but not enough evidence to make more than a conjecture about a construction flaw contributing to her demise.

Images in the Book
As a final note, a number of images used throughout this book are derived from the City of Glasgow’s coat of arms (the actual city). Each image has symbolic and cultural significance to the long history of the city. These symbols include: the fish holding the ring in its mouth, the tree with the bird, and the bell.

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